Parle Moi de Parfum
Parle Moi de Parfum started with Michel Almairacs sons. Almairac himself is a famous perfumer, who worked for Robertet and has an impressive list of perfumes to his names. His sons came up with the idea that their talented father would now launch his own brand, with this gem as a result. Michel Almairac is the nose behind many well-known scents for brands like Dior, Gucci, Chloé, Tom Ford, Le Labo and so on. For his own brand, Michel is now completely free to create creatively without marketing and budget instructions. He has created beautiful scents that are both accessible and elegant, as well as original and exclusive. Behind the names of the perfumes of this sympathetic brand there is always a number: this stands for the number of times the scent has been revised before Michel was satisfied with the result.